Why do we save Romanian dogs?
When we rescued Pixie we had no idea about the extent of the stray and abandoned dog problem in Romania.
So, we did a little research.
When we realised the sheer number of dogs living in heartbreaking and appalling conditions, often before they were rounded up and slaughtered by the state, we knew we had to help.
The Romanian dog problem
In the 1980s, Communist dictator Ceausescu forced thousands into crowded city tenements in an effort to industrialise Romania. As people were forced out of the countryside and their traditional cottages in the city were demolished, they had to leave their pets behind. Animals were abandoned in vast numbers. Dogs bred unchecked, leading to thousands of strays in the streets.
The Dog Catchers
Bucharest led the state-sanctioned solution of mass slaughter. For more than 20 years, dogs in Romania have been chased, beaten, captured, abused and killed.
In some parts, things have really improved. Some public shelters are run with much better welfare in mind. In Bucharest, the authorites promote dogs for adoption and do their best to provide veterinary care and attention when needed.
Dogs killed by lethal injection
The most common way dogs are killed in the public shelters in Romania is by lethal injection straight into their veins. They have no pain relief, no anaesthesia and, due to the sheer number of dogs that are killed at any one time, care isn’t even taken to make sure they’re injected correctly. Often, the dogs do not die a quick, painless death.
The 2008 Animal Protection Law
This law was meant to protect animals from being killed. The law specifically supports neutering and spaying dogs to help control the problem. Sadly, this just led to thousands of animals being left to rot in public shelters, where they may die from injuries, disease, starvation and thirst.
The police are disinterested and most officials are unaware or unwilling to help.
The 2013 Killing Law
After stray dogs were accused of attacking a small boy in Bucharest, the Romanian president pushed through a law allowing the killing of all dogs in public shelters after 14 days.
Local officials can alter these rules if they wish, but essentially a dog has 14 days in a public shelter before being killed. In addition, there is an incredibly high rate of pet abandonment. Many of the dogs we take in today are abandoned – young, old, pregnant, ill or just not wanted.
As the public shelters are paid to kill these dogs, it has also encouraged mass catching and slaughter of dogs from the streets. This is statutory but corruption is endemic in some parts. Some people have grown rich on the back of the killing of dogs.
At local level, social media has been a good way of drawing attention and support for provincial shelters. It is local volunteers, usually backed by dog loving individuals and organisations in other countries, who are intrumental in improving welfare in local public shelters, and saving dogs from death there. It is exhausting and endless work for them.
Barking Mad Dog Rescue saves dogs
We know, as do many in Romania, that killing is not the answer to the abandoned and stray dog problem in Romania. The killing continues, as does the corruption.
But we, as well as many others, are working every day on the ground in Romania to save as many souls as possible. We have an ongoing spaying and neutering programme locally, to ensure that as few pups as possible are born needlessly in our village and the surrounding area. We also now have an outreach programme to help impoverished local people to access veterinary help for their dogs.
So, why adopt a Romanian dog?
We love our dogs! They are resilient, loving and clever.
Yes, you can choose to save a dog in the UK. We know that there are many dogs and puppies in need on our shores, but the dogs in Romania do not stand a chance. They are routinely abused when caught, or live a life of begging, fear and slow starvation on the streets.
We won’t stop saving dogs in Romania. One by one. Until they are no longer persecuted and attitudes have changed.

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