Every life we save, and every dog we rehome, is made possible by the donations of people like you.
There are lots of ways you can support Barking Mad Dog Rescue, by adoption, fostering, sponsorship and fundraising.
But you can also simply donate an amount you’re comfortable with. Every penny goes towards helping our dogs.
It’s easy to set up a monthly payment, or just make a one-off payment. Any amount is welcome!
Yes! I'd like to donate . . .

Other ways to donate:

Donate to our bank
Sort code 52-21-30
Acc. number 26807629
Please accept our grateful thanks.
Note that we can't easily contact you this way to say thank you properly.
Please email info@barkingmadddogrescue if you need more information.

Donate by text
To make a donation, text 'BMDR10' to 70085 to donate £10.
This will cost you £10 plus a standard rate msg. Alternatively, you can opt to give any whole amount up to £20.